Gravity Grid

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What is Gravity Grid?

This is a puzzle game heavily inspired by Chessformer, which also explores the idea of chess with gravity. Upon coming across it, I thought the original one did not explore the idea as much as I would have loved it to. So, I decided to add my own twists to the idea to expand. I am happy how it turned out!

The main difference is that there are enemy pieces. Upon entering their line-of-sight, black pieces will capture yours; and they will do so until they cannot anymore. I intended it to start quite simple and then slowly build. There are no extra twists than described until Level 26. From there, I tried to introduce something new every 10 level or so, to keep it fresh.

Future of the game

Gravity Grid started as the first installation of a "browser game website" I was planning for a while. I plan on making one game for every letter of the English alphabet. This is G! I was not expecting the positive feedback this game received, so I put that idea on hold for the time being. I want to focus on this game and build as much as I can with it. Then, more games! I seem to have way too many ideas yet way too little time.

This game will never be monetized. I don't intend to lock anything behind paywalls, including cosmetics. I am also keeping it ad-free. Most I may do is add a "buy me coffee" button somewhere, if anyone wants to help me pay the server costs. As long as I'm employed, I don't rely on the income coming from this game, so it's all good.

Who am I?

Just an amateur game developer. I don't want to claim I am any good at it when this is the very first game I have released. This is not my job. I am a full time data scientist who has some experience in web design, located somewhere around Amsterdam, the Netherlands. I enjoy coding as a hobby as well, so why not build something other people can enjoy too?

You can contact me with the links provided at or via the Discord link provided in the navigation menu above. Ask questions, suggest something, complain or say hi. You're welcome to ping me :)

Supporting the game

I am in a fortunate position that I do not need to rely on side projects for income. I do not monetize them. However, if you'd like to fuel my tea addiction the next time I code at 2am on a Tuesday evening, you can do so via Paypal. Much appreciated!

Please do not donate the money you cannot afford. Hence, students are strictly banned from donating. Of course I cannot enforce that, but you get the message!


I try to do everything myself, but I cannot say I own everything on this website! They are credited in code in case someone copies it, but I want to mention my sources somewhere that is easy to reach.

Almost all chess piece art is done by the amazing Green Chess. On their home page you can find moree information about the project. Basically, they have created engines for obscure chess variants, such as a hexagonal board and a four person version of chess. I'm not doing them justice by saying they made some chess varants. There are hundreds of them. Incredible work!

The art for butterfly piece is taken from a different source, They have hundreds of unique piece art and an engine for turning the SVG art into a colored one. The website is an incredibly large archive of interesting chess variants. If anyone needs more ideas for a chess game, well, here is the source for inspiration.

Did you notice the animated background when playing the game? That was adapted from a Codepen page by Temani Afif. I found it pretty cool and fitting for a grid based game, so I just had to.

The navigation icons you see around the website are taken from Flaticon. I cannot believe that a database like that is free. I plan to draw the icons myself at some point, but this website was great for quickly finding the icons I needed for now.

And lastly, the idea for the game was sparked by Chessformer. I don't know if they were the first to do it, but they were the one I came across.

Cookie policy

Well, there is no for tracking purposes. If you are not logged in, enjoy your cookie-free experience. If you are logged in, there is a singular cookie for PHP session to communicate between the website and the databases. Without this cookie I do not know who completes which level, so it is essential for the website to function.

Use of personal data

I don't have any data that could be considered personal, but I wanted to include this section for full transparency. If you are not logged in, I keep no data about you. If you are logged in, here is everything I keep:

  • Your username, for authentication and display purposes
  • Your password, for authentication purposes (hashed and encrypted in multiple steps)
  • The date (not the time) you created your account
  • Which levels you have completed and in how many moves
  • Your solution to a level, for anticheat purposes

If you wish to know more, or would like to delete your data, please email me at or inform me on Discord by using the link in the navigation menu.